Request a Security Inspection 

A security inspection is an onsite examination of a facility, and surrounding property, to identify security risks, to define what protections are needed and to make recommendations for safety improvements. 

The VCU Police Department conducts free security inspections to make recommendations for improving safety at VCU-owned (or leased) properties. Once an officer completes an inspection, the department requesting the inspection will receive a detailed report to summarize the findings.

Security inspections are required for any department that is considering security-related improvements such as camera systems, panic buttons, security alarms or upgraded door locks. The inspection must be completed before VCU Facilities Services will complete any work related to security improvements. Departments must request a security inspection before purchasing any security-related equipment. 

Please refer to VCU’s Campus Security Camera System policy for more information about camera installations. 

Security inspections are also required for all major construction projects. VCU Police works with departments and project managers to prevent crime through environmental design. This work includes reviewing floor plans and blueprints for construction, remodels or relocations. We recommend that project managers contact VCU Police as early as possible in the process.